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Modern Slavery Declaration - SConfort

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Updated: Feb 16

Modern Slavery Statement | SConfort Ethical Commitment

Discover SConfort's statement on modern slavery: commitments, actions and measures for an ethical and responsible supply chain.

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Women working inside a SConfort clothing store

Statement on Modern Slavery: SConfort's Ethical Commitment


Modern slavery is an alarming reality that affects millions of people around the world, often with general indifference. The statement on modern slavery aims to raise awareness and mobilize citizens, businesses and governments to fight against this scourge. In this fight, the commitment of each actor is crucial. It is with this in mind that SConfort is committed to promoting ethical and responsible practices. By integrating principles of transparency and respect for human rights into its activities,

SConfort seeks to create a positive impact. This translates into concrete initiatives aimed at protecting workers and ensuring dignified working conditions. By coming together to denounce modern slavery, we can build a future where everyone is free, respected and valued. Together, we have the power to make a difference and turn this declaration into tangible action.

Legal Context

Modern slavery, which includes forced labor, human trafficking and other forms of exploitation, is prohibited by numerous international treaties and national laws. Instruments such as the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention and the Palermo Protocol aim to eradicate these practices.

In Europe, the Modern Slavery Directive encourages Member States to strengthen their legislation and take concrete measures to protect human rights. These laws also impose obligations on companies, encouraging them to ensure the traceability of their supply chains.

Company Commitment

Businesses have a crucial role to play in the fight against modern slavery. This commitment involves adopting ethical policies, implementing control mechanisms in supply chains, and training employees on human rights. SConfort, for example, is committed to respecting strict standards of social responsibility, ensuring that all its business partners share this vision. By integrating transparent and responsible practices, the company strives to create a safe and fair working environment.

Objectives of the Declaration

The declaration on modern slavery has several key objectives:

  • Awareness: Raise awareness of the reality of modern slavery and its consequences.

  • Collective Commitment: Mobilize businesses, governments and citizens to act together against this scourge.

  • Shared Responsibility: Promote responsible practices within supply chains and ensure respect for human rights.

  • Evaluation and Monitoring: Establish monitoring mechanisms to assess the impact of the actions taken and adapt strategies accordingly.

  • Education and Training: Encourage human rights training to better identify and combat modern slavery.

These objectives aim to transform the declaration into concrete and effective actions, thus contributing to lasting change.

Portrait of three men working in a SConfort store, doing SConfort supplier checks on clothes, front view.

Our Commitment Against Modern Slavery

At SConfort, we are deeply committed to the fight against modern slavery, a problem that requires collective and determined action. Our ethics policy is based on fundamental values ​​that guide each of our decisions and actions. We firmly believe that every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and we are committed to promoting a working environment free from all forms of exploitation.

We have put in place rigorous control mechanisms to ensure that our supply chains respect human rights. This includes regular audits, partnerships with rights organizations and training programs for our employees and partners. By integrating these practices into our corporate culture, we aim to establish total transparency and encourage social responsibility.

Our corporate values ​​– integrity, respect and responsibility – are at the heart of our commitment. We believe that through awareness and mobilization, we can contribute to the eradication of modern slavery and build a fairer future for all. Together, we have the power to make a difference.

Portrait of three women working in a SConfort boutique, doing SConfort supplier checks on clothes, front view.
Women working inside a SConfort clothing store

Vision and Values


At SConfort, our vision is to create a world where everyone is free, respected and treated with dignity. We aspire to be a leader in promoting ethical business practices, ensuring that our operations and those of our partners are never complicit in modern slavery. We believe in a sustainable future where human rights are protected and valued, and where business plays an active role in building a more equitable society.


  • Integrity: We act with honesty and transparency in all our interactions. Our commitment to respecting human rights is unwavering.

  • Respect: The dignity of every individual is paramount. We value diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment.

  • Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and their impact on communities and the environment. Every member of our team is encouraged to contribute to this mission.

  • Collaboration: We believe that lasting change happens through strong partnerships. We work with our employees, partners and customers to promote ethical practices.

  • Innovation: We are constantly looking for new and effective solutions to improve our practices and address the challenges related to modern slavery.

By integrating these values ​​into our corporate culture, we are committed to actively contributing to a world free of modern slavery, where every individual can flourish fully.

Regulatory Framework

The regulatory framework regarding modern slavery is made up of several international laws and conventions that aim to protect human rights and eradicate exploitative practices. Here are some key elements:

  • International Conventions

ILO Forced Labor Convention: Adopted by the International Labor Organization, it prohibits all forms of forced labor and imposes obligations on member states to eliminate this practice.

Palermo Protocol: This UN treaty aims to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children.

  • European Union Directives

Anti-Modern Slavery Directive: This directive aims to strengthen measures to combat modern slavery in Member States, by establishing minimum standards for the prevention, protection and prosecution of offense.

  • National Laws

Many countries have specific laws in place to combat modern slavery. For example, the Modern Slavery Act in the United Kingdom requires companies to publish statements on the actions taken to eliminate modern slavery in their supply chains.

  • Voluntary Commitments

In addition to legal obligations, many companies adopt codes of conduct and voluntary commitments to ensure respect for human rights in their operations and those of their suppliers.

  • Local Initiatives and Protocols

Some local governments and non-governmental organizations promote specific initiatives to raise awareness and combat modern slavery in their communities.

This regulatory framework provides an essential basis for guiding the actions of businesses and governments in the fight against modern slavery, ensuring that fundamental rights are protected and respected.

Objectives of the Fight against Modern Slavery

  • Awareness and Education

Inform the public, employees and partners about the realities of modern slavery, its manifestations and consequences. Promote educational programs to strengthen understanding of human rights.

  • Promotion of Ethical Practices

Encourage companies to adopt responsible business policies and practices, ensuring that their operations do not contribute to modern slavery.

  • Strengthening Transparency

Establish traceability mechanisms in supply chains to ensure that products and services are obtained without resorting to exploitative practices.

  • Collaboration and Partnerships

Build partnerships with non-governmental organizations, government agencies and other businesses to unite efforts and maximize the impact of the actions carried out.

  • Evaluation and Monitoring

Develop performance indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiatives implemented and adjust strategies according to the results obtained.

  • Victim Support

Provide resources and assistance programs to help victims of modern slavery reintegrate into society and rebuild their lives.

  • Advocacy for Public Policies

Work with decision-makers to influence public policies and strengthen laws against modern slavery, ensuring that they are effectively implemented.

  • Innovation and Research

Encourage research and development of new solutions to prevent and combat modern slavery, integrating technology and best practices.

These objectives aim to establish a solid framework to combat modern slavery in a proactive and sustainable manner, while promoting an environment that respects human rights.

Responsibilities in the Fight against Modern Slavery

  • Corporate Responsibilities

Adoption of Ethical Policies: Develop and implement clear policies against modern slavery and ensure that they are integrated into all operations.

Training and Awareness: Train employees and supply chain members on human rights and the risks associated with modern slavery.

Audits and Assessments: Conduct regular audits to assess working practices and ensure compliance with ethical standards.

Responsibilities of Managers

Leadership and Commitment: Lead by example by integrating the fight against modern slavery into the business strategy and ensuring that the necessary resources are allocated.

Transparent Communication: Inform stakeholders of the actions taken and progress made in the fight against modern slavery.

  • Responsibilities of Employees

Reporting Violations: Encourage employees to report any suspicious activity or human rights violations within the company or supply chain.

Active Participation: Get involved in awareness-raising and training initiatives offered by the company.

  • Responsibilities of Partners and Suppliers

Compliance with Standards: Ensure that all partners and suppliers respect ethical standards and human rights in their operations.

Collaboration: Work closely with companies to improve practices and reduce the risks of exploitation.

  • Government Responsibilities

Law and Regulation Development: Put in place strong laws and regulations against modern slavery and ensure their implementation.

Victim Support: Provide resources and support programs to help victims of modern slavery rebuild their lives.

  • NGO and Civil Society Organization Responsibilities

Advocacy and Awareness Raising: Work to raise awareness among the public and decision-makers about the issues surrounding modern slavery.

Victim Assistance: Provide services to victims, including rehabilitation and reintegration programs.

These shared responsibilities are essential to creating an environment where modern slavery has no place and human rights are respected and protected.

Portrait of three women working in a SConfort boutique, looking at the ethical textile certification on the clothes, front view.
Women working inside a SConfort clothing store

Policies and Procedures Against Modern Slavery

Anti-Slavery Policy

At SConfort, we have adopted an anti-slavery policy that clearly sets out our commitment to eradicating all forms of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains. This policy is based on respect for human rights and aims to ensure a safe and ethical working environment.

Implementation Procedures

  • Risk Assessment

Supply Chain Analysis: Identify risk areas where modern slavery could be present and assess supplier practices.

Internal Audits: Conduct regular audits to assess compliance with ethical standards.

  • Internal Controls

Supplier Audits: Establish control procedures to ensure that all suppliers comply with our anti-slavery policy.

Reporting and Monitoring: Establish monitoring mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken and make adjustments if necessary.

  • Training and Awareness

Training Programs: Provide regular training to employees on human rights, modern slavery and how to report violations.

Supplier Awareness: Inform our business partners of our policy requirements and expected ethical practices.

  • Reporting and Response

Reporting Channels: Establish safe and confidential channels for employees and partners to report any suspicious activity or violations.

Response Procedures: Establish clear procedures for handling reports and investigating incidents of modern slavery.

  • Communication and Reporting

Transparency: Publish annual reports on our efforts to combat modern slavery, including actions taken and results achieved.

Stakeholder Engagement: Involve stakeholders in the process of developing and updating our policy and procedures.

These policies and procedures are essential to ensure that all of SConfort's actions are aligned with our commitment to combating modern slavery and promoting ethical business practices.

Portrait of three women working in a SConfort boutique, doing SConfort supplier checks on clothes, front view. 3
Women working inside a SConfort clothing store

Training and Awareness

Training Objective

The objective of our training program is to educate staff and partners on the issues related to modern slavery, by providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify, prevent and report such practices.

Staff Training

  • Training Modules

Introduction to Modern Slavery: Understanding the different forms of modern slavery and their impacts on individuals and communities.

Human Rights and Ethics: Raising awareness of fundamental human rights and the importance of ethics in business.

Reporting Procedures: Training on the procedures to follow when reporting any suspicious activity or human rights violations.

  • Practical Training

Workshops and Seminars: Organizing interactive workshops to discuss real cases and best practices.

Simulation Scenarios: Simulation exercises to help staff respond appropriately when modern slavery is suspected.

Awareness Raising

  • Awareness Campaigns

Internal Awareness Raising: Regular campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of combating modern slavery, including posters and newsletters.

Webinars and Conferences: Organization of awareness sessions with experts and partner organizations on contemporary issues related to modern slavery.

  • Resources and Materials

Guides and Brochures: Distribution of information documents on human rights and ways to prevent modern slavery.

Online Platform: Creation of an online resource accessible to all employees to consult information and tools on the subject.

Impact Evaluation

We put in place mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of our training and awareness campaigns, including satisfaction surveys and knowledge tests. These evaluations allow us to continually adjust and improve our programs.

By investing in training and awareness, SConfort is committed to creating a corporate culture where everyone is aware of their role in the fight against modern slavery.

Portrait of three men working in a SConfort store, doing SConfort supplier checks on clothing with ethical supply chain commitment, front view.

Responsible Supply Chain

Commitment to an Ethical Supply Chain

At SConfort, we recognize that our supply chain plays a crucial role in the fight against modern slavery. We are committed to establishing responsible and ethical practices throughout our supply chain, working closely with our suppliers to ensure respect for human rights.

Key Principles

  • Rigorous Supplier Selection

Ethical Criteria: Integrate ethical criteria into the supplier selection process, assessing their compliance with human rights standards and labor practices.

Due Diligence: Conduct thorough background checks on suppliers to identify potential modern slavery risks.

  • Contractual Commitment

Anti-Slavery Clauses: Include specific clauses in supplier contracts, stipulating the prohibition of modern slavery and forced labor.

Shared Responsibility: Establish clear expectations for suppliers’ accountability for meeting these commitments.

  • Monitoring and Audits

Regular Audits: Conduct periodic audits of supplier practices to ensure compliance with ethical standards.

Risk Assessment: Establish risk assessment mechanisms to identify high-risk areas in the supply chain.

  • Supplier Training

Awareness Programs: Provide training to suppliers on modern slavery and human rights to reinforce their commitment to ethical practices.

Best Practice Sharing: Encourage the sharing of examples of good practice among suppliers to improve global standards.

  • Collaboration and Continuous Improvement

Partnerships: Collaborate with NGOs and specialized organizations to improve working conditions in our supply chains.

Feedback and Improvement: Collect feedback from suppliers and stakeholders to continually improve our practices.

Accountability and Transparency

We are committed to being transparent about our sourcing practices and reporting on the steps we take to ensure a responsible supply chain. This includes publishing reports on our efforts and the results achieved.

By integrating these principles into our supply chain, SConfort aims to promote responsible business practices that respect human rights and eliminate modern slavery.

Portrait of three men working in a SConfort store, doing SConfort supplier checks on clothing with ethical supply chain commitment, front view. 2

Measures and Results

Purpose of Measures

Evaluating the performance of our initiatives against modern slavery is essential to ensure the effectiveness of our actions and to identify areas requiring improvement. We use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure our results and track our progress.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Supplier Compliance Rate

Objective: Track the percentage of suppliers that meet anti-slavery standards.

Measure: Number of compliant suppliers out of the total number of suppliers assessed.

  • Number of Audits Completed

Objective: Assess the effectiveness of our monitoring program.

Measure: Number of audits carried out per year and percentage of audits identifying non-conformities.

  • Staff Training Rate

Objective: Ensure that all employees are trained on modern slavery issues.

Measure: Percentage of employees who have completed training on human rights and modern slavery.

  • Reports of Violations

Objective: Measure staff awareness and commitment to reporting violations.

Measure: Number of reports received and processed out of total number of employees.

  • Supplier Satisfaction

Objective: Assess supplier perceptions of our ethical sourcing practices.

Measure: Results from supplier satisfaction surveys.

Expected Outcomes

Improved Compliance

Increase the percentage of suppliers compliant with ethical standards by at least 20% over the next three years.

Increased Awareness

Achieve 100% training for all employees on modern slavery topics by the end of the year.

Increased Reporting

Encourage an increasing number of reports of violations, with a target of increasing by 15% per year, indicating increased awareness and confidence in reporting channels.

Strengthened Partnerships

Establish collaborations with at least three NGOs or specialist organizations to improve supply chain practices.

Monitoring and Reporting

We are implementing regular monitoring mechanisms to assess these indicators and produce an annual report detailing our results, the challenges encountered and the corrective actions implemented. This report will be shared with all stakeholders, reinforcing our commitment to transparency and accountability.

By integrating these measures and indicators, SConfort is committed to ensuring continuous improvement of its anti-slavery practices and to strengthening its positive impact in the fight against this scourge.

Portrait of three men working in a SConfort store, doing SConfort supplier checks on clothing with ethical supply chain commitment, front view. 3


SConfort reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the fight against modern slavery. We will continue to implement responsible policies and practices within our supply chain, while raising awareness among our staff and partners. In our future actions, we will aim to strengthen our collaborations and constantly improve our evaluation measures. For any questions or additional information, do not hesitate to contact us at the address indicated on the site. Together, we can make a significant difference and build a future without modern slavery.

Modern Slavery FAQ

1. What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery refers to situations where individuals are forced to work under the threat of violence, coercion or exploitation. It includes forced labor, human trafficking, forced marriage and child labor.

2. How does modern slavery manifest itself?

It can manifest itself in a variety of sectors, including agriculture, construction, textiles and domestic services. Victims may be held back by threat, violence or unpaid debts.

3. Who are the main victims of modern slavery?

Victims can be people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. However, women and children are often the most vulnerable, particularly in contexts of poverty and conflict.

4. What are the causes of modern slavery?

Causes include poverty, lack of access to education, armed conflict, discrimination and economic systems that foster exploitation.

5. How can I help combat modern slavery?

You can help by educating yourself, supporting organizations that combat modern slavery, consuming ethically and reporting any suspicious activity to the authorities.

6. What laws are in place to combat modern slavery?

Many countries have adopted laws and regulations to prohibit modern slavery and protect victims. However, the enforcement of these laws varies considerably.

7. How can businesses help combat modern slavery?

Businesses can adopt ethical policies, audit their supply chains, train their staff, and work with NGOs to promote responsible practices.

8. Where can I find more information on modern slavery?

Resources are available from organizations such as the International Labor Organization (ILO), Human Rights Watch, and various NGOs dedicated to combating modern slavery.

If you have any further questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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